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Self-Leadership in the New Paradigm

Are you ready to step into your full potential and lead your life from a place of purpose, clarity, and empowerment? Self-leadership can be considered a contemporary translation of Socrates’ teaching of “Know Thyself.” Through the path of embracing the leader within yourself you can begin exercising choice rather than being dictated by your circumstances. Self-leadership is about growing an understanding ...

Self-Leadership in the New Paradigm

What does it mean to be a self-leader? Being a leader often refers to leading others, but first one must successfully learn to lead oneself. But what does it truly mean to align yourself with your dreams and desires? Self-leadership can be considered a contemporary translation of Socrates’ teaching of “Know Thyself.” Through the path of embracing the leader within yourself ...

Releasing Your Negative Emotions

What is stopping you from ALL your dream, desires and JOY? Everyone experiences some form of negative emotions, be it depression, anger, frustration, self-doubt, jealousy or guilt. These emotions are a drain on your energy and stand in the way of you living a happy and successful life. There are times in our life when our negative emotions have more ...